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The Airport, by Dayanetha Raja

Updated: Jun 15, 2023

This is a story about what happens when you leave two kids alone in an airport.

A few years ago my cousins, sister and I went to India. Our families always go somewhere before or after we go to India. It’s because we don’t really like going to India, we only go when we are forced. This time we decided to go to Dubai before we went to India. My grandparents and my uncle and his mom came to Dubai from India so they didn’t come on the plane with us. We were going to meet up with them at the airport. I didn't even know some of them were coming.

We got off the plane and my sister and my older cousin went to get food with the parents. Me and Navi, the other cousin, had been sleeping on the plane, and because of that we were still really tired so we didn’t go.

We were walking around looking for our grandparents with all our luggage because we didn’t want to fall asleep. While we were walking toward the airport exit we thought we saw our grandparents on the other side but when we went there it wasn't them. Navi and I had our arms around each other; we didn't want to lose each other because we were half asleep. Then I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder.

Since Navi had her arm around me, she felt it too. Here's info on Navi: she takes tai chi and some other martial art thing that's name is too hard to say. So she knows how to fight. When she saw that someone's hand was on me she went into full-on protection mode. And I was about to scream because that was my first instinct (I have a very loud voice) and I also had long sharp nails back then.

Just as I was starting to scream, Navi was ready to karate chop the dude, and I had my nails ready. But then she covered my mouth. I was so confused. The people around us in the airport were staring at us. Navi was trying to calm me down and then I peeked my head around because I didn't want to show my face (just in case it was a kidnapper). To my surprise it was my uncle (my dad's cousin), otherwise known as “selfie- dude” because he constantly takes pictures with my dad's selfie stick. He was staring at us in shock and disbelief because in India normal people wouldn't react like that (but since we were us he probably should have expected it). It turned out that they couldn't find our parents but they found us and we both didn't talk because the poor guy was terrified of us.

Something that stuck with me and my cousin after this was that we are very intimidating, and to get our acrylics sharpened before we go somewhere. This was an experience for the both of us because if we had acted without thinking and did something uncalled for we would have both been in trouble with our parents. It taught us not to act recklessly. And our parents learned to never leave a 10 and 13 year old alone in the middle of an airport.

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