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The Monastery, by Yogi Singh

Updated: May 16, 2021

Hey everyone, in this blog post I will be covering the ninja’s Monastery which is located on top of “The Mountain of Impossible Height.” The Monastery is a crucial place to the ninja. They practically lived there in seasons one and two. They mostly train, play, and sleep there! But then they got tricked and the Monastery burned down because of their enemies.

The Monastery of Spinjitzu was first used by the First Spinjitzu Master as a home. When Sensei Wu and Sensei Garmadon were young, their father (the First Spinjitzu Master) trained and raised them at the Monastery. When Wu and Garmadon grew up, they also trained their pupils at the Monastery. Overall, the Monastery had a lot of history with training.

For example in season five of Ninjago, Wu explained that he had a student named Morro and described how he trained Morro at the Monastery. Later on, Master Wu was surprised when he discovered that Morro had the power to control wind.

Another example is in season four of Ninjago when Garmadon told Lloyd the story of how he and Clouse trained under Master Chen at the Monastery, and how Master Chen was evil and planning to put the elemental masters against each other.

You may be wondering, how do the ninja have a part in this? Well the ninja actually have a lot of history in this!

First it started off as their training base. It was revealed in the first few pilot episodes of Ninjago that the ninja were actually just plain ordinary black suited ninja with no special powers training in the Monastery! They didn’t even have their golden weapons yet. Shortly after that, they found their golden weapons and were more trained.

As time went on, the ninja became lazier than ever. They believed that there was no more evil to fight so there was no point in being a ninja. The ninja thought that they had already defeated evil Lord Garmadon but Sensei Wu knew there was more evil to come and tried to warn the ninja.

All of a sudden, the ninja were fooled and the smart and evil serpentine got to their base! The serpentine burned the whole Monastery to ashes and the ninja’s dragons were chained up so they couldn’t do anything. The ninja were sad while Master Wu told them to learn from this mistake. It was then that Zane found a flying ship called the Destiny’s Bounty, and then turned it into the ninja’s new home.

But in other seasons the Ninja return to the Monastery often. For example, in season six of Ninjago, the ninja discovered that the evil djinn Nadakhan could shape shift and that he had framed them for doing crimes. The ninja regrouped at the burnt Monastery to figure out their plan on what to do.

Then on the Day of the Departed (which is Ninjago’s Day of the Dead), Master Wu came back to the Monastery to remember his father.

Last but not least, in season seven of Ninjago, Acronix (an elemental master of time) came back through a time portal above the Monastery. Wu was waiting for him to return at the remains of the Monastery. After, the ninja found out about Acronix and went to the Monastery to help Master Wu fight Acronix.

If you are sad that the Monastery burnt down, don’t worry! You see, in season 10 (Legacy season) the Ninja rebuilt the Monastery! Lord Garmadon helped them prepare for the strong and powerful Oni because even though Garmadon was evil, he still hates the Oni. The legendary battle between the ninja and the Oni took place at the rebuilt Monastery! It was a fierce, strong battle but the ninja won! They painted all their memories and adventures on the walls of the Monastery. Ever since then, they used the Monastery just like they used to.

In conclusion, the Monastery of Spinjitzu is a wonderful and historic place. In seasons 10 and up, the Ninja used the Monastery for their training, relaxation, playing, and much more! You can also buy the Lego set of the Monastery which I might make a post on!

See you guys next time!

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