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The War of Colors by Snehi Bose


One hundred moons ago there were two types of magic: black and white. People had fun with their mystical powers. Everybody was so grateful and peaceful, everybody was getting along together – that is, until the dreadful war started with someone called Adil Manganforg. He claimed as a white magic individual that the black magic people were stealing the white magic. Back then people used to believe everything other people said, even with no proof!

In the first week after Adil Monganforg's announcement, he died. Nobody knew how he died; people say that someone killed him, but on that same day a miracle happened.

A baby was born that had both black magic and white magic. She was born with black nails and everybody said, “O my lord this is a miracle.” Her name was Blite Mangonforg.

Now you have to see how this story ends.

1885 (150 Years Later)

“Mom, can I please play magical fairies with the other kids? Please, pretty please?” Blite said, looking at her mother and desperately waiting for an answer.

Her mother replied by saying, “No, no and NO!” Blite made a big sigh. “Now go do your sorcery homework! You’re 16 now, you have responsibilities,” Blite’s mom said with a mischievous smile.

“And have the right to go outside without even asking,” Blite murmured, stepping away.

“What did you say?” her mom answered back.

“Um… We should have a picnic today? ” Blite asked with a fake grin. But Blite’s mother could tell that it was a lie.

“Go to your room!” her mom yelled. Blite slowly walked to her room, almost walking like a sloth. She started reading her book. I wish I could find out what happens in the real world. I wish I wasn’t born this way, she thought to herself.

1890 (Five Years Later)

“MOM, what is happening out there?” Blite yelled with a worried face and turned to her mother.

“OH NO! The war! It’s happening,” her mom sobbed.

“WHAT!” Blite shouted with her jaw almost looking like it was about to flop down to the floor.

“Your dad’s brother, meaning your uncle, created this monstrosity a hundred moons ago,” her mother explained.

“WHAAAAAAA!” Blite replied with a loud gasp. “You mean that Adil Manganforg…?” Blite said with shock, her face all red. Her mother quickly closed the curtains. “Okay mom, I have an idea! Dad, brother, and I are hiding… but what is going on?” Blite questioned.

“Sweetie, I know you're thinking: ‘What in the heck is going on!?’ You're 21 years old now so you are mature enough to know,” her mom explained.

“Mature enough to know what?” Blite asked.

“Later!” Dad suddenly interrupted.

Later That Morning, Over Breakfast

“So this Adil guy started the war on purpose… but why?” Blite pressed on.

“We don’t know why he started the war, ” Dad replied flatly.

“Why don’t you know why he started the war?” Blite demanded.

“Because he is dead; we could have known but he is dead, ” Mom chimed in.

That Night

Blite quietly packed her bags. She took her mom's extra snack jar and opened it to get a snack but what she found in there was not a snack. It was a letter from…Uncle Adil! He is writing to his future nieces and grandchildren, thought Blite, Wait, I'm his niece. Uncle Adil is apologizing! All this time he was sorry!

Blite completely changed her mind about Adil, he was not a monster, he just wanted attention. With this information she snuck out of the house. She tried to stay unspotted by anyone so that no one could catch her. She tiptoed quietly and went to the library since she loved reading and that was the safest place that she could go to.

Four Months Later


“Oops - hope nobody heard that,” Blite whispered while practicing her powers at the library.

While she was studying the war, she snuck out of the library quickly with the history book in her hands, sweating. Her palms felt like a pond of water. After four full months, she was ready to confess that it was her uncle that had started the war.


The day had arrived: Blite was going to announce the confession in the white magical village square just like her uncle had announced the war so many years ago.

“Fellow people… LISTEN UP!” she announced in her normal voice.

This shocked people because they had never heard Blite’s voice before. In fact, she had never even been outside before. She lifted her hoodie off of her head and raised her closed fist for a sign of justice. Her pinkie nail instantly became black for a sign of anger. She moved her eyes through the crowd and spotted her parents and her brother.

She called out, “My uncle - Adil Manganforg - is a liar from all those moons ago! He told your ancestors that black magic is stealing your magic, your white magic, and you see… that’s not true. I have both magics in me, one white, one black. We have the same blood but not the same magic.” The people in the crowd stared at her, never knowing that she had such bravery to announce the truth!

''Now,” she paused, “I have to say Adil Manganforg did apologize with the letter I found in my mom’s extra snack jar,” Blite said.

“What! A letter in my extra snacks!” Mom gasped.

“Before you are shocked, let me read you the letter first,” Blite said. Blite started to read:

Dear nieces and grandchildren,

When you get this letter, I will not be there for you anymore. I just want you to know the truth behind the conflict between the black and white magic, and its consequences. I realized due to my mistake that I created a war in the world of magic. I feel horrible as I made people believe that black magic people are stealing white people's magic. The only reason I did this was because I felt thrown away to the side. I was the only one who was treated unfairly and all I wanted was to gain fame and honor.

So I want to tell you that whatever I did was a huge mistake and I feel terrible about how I treated the people. But I cannot change the past. I want you to practice magic to win people’s hearts. Try to be kind and humble to the people.


Your uncle and grandfather,

Adil Manganforg


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